
Mrs. Pontier's Garden

Feather & Form enters the kid zone! We had the very special opportunity to host a PK4 graduation party for St. Mark's Episcopal Academy. The children worked with their teacher, Mrs. Pontier, to create such gorgeous butterfly and vegetable gardens throughout the year and towards the end of the year studied in detail Mr. McGregor's Garden, of Peter Rabbit. So, as you can see the garden theme was fitting. The potluck was made of all organic, fresh ingredients... most of which could actually be grown from a garden. The best part, one of the families even took home all the leftovers to replant or add to their compost pile! What a great group. All of the centerpieces were from local farmer's markets and small nurseries. I love, love, love to support local businesses. My favorite, the adorable cupcakes placed in a wheelbarrow.... they appeared to be growing right from the planters box.

Most of the decor was by F&F, draping by Ken from Fabrications Events, cupcakes by Stephanie from CakeKrush.

I hope you enjoy and feel inspired to plant your garden.
